teisipäev, 20. jaanuar 2015

Kogunemine 20.01

Koosolek 20.01:
- Anne-Mari, Helen, Astrid Mai ja Aleksander andid ülevaate Kreeka konverentsist
- arutelu, kuidas lahendada Türgi konverentsi kodutööd

Reimo, Markus ja Rain valmistavad ette kliimamuutustega seotud esitluse.
Rahvatantsuna kasutame Liisa-Margiti vanemate poolt ettevalmistatud video-õpetuse (Nõianeitsi).

Uus kogunemine:
10.02 kell 15:00 - vaatame üle valminud kodutöö;
17.02 kell 15:00 - kogunemine enne väljasõitu (dokumendid, lõplik kodutöö ülevaatus jne).

laupäev, 17. jaanuar 2015

Kohtumine Istanbulis - kodutööd

“Young Explorers of the Sea”
Tasks for the Comenius Meeting in Turkey
             20th -24th February 2014

First Task
Each country should choose between the sequent two topics;
  • Climate by the sea ; The sea in different seasons & climate changes - Please  prepare a presentation e.g powerpoint/video/poster/charts about how the climate has changed over the ten or twenty years in your countries/regions and its impact on the environment. E.g tourism and climate change/What are the implications that climate change will have on tourism?/Consequences of increased air temperature or raising temperature in the ocean.
  • Environmental studies: Visiting the local harbour, meeting and interviewing with local fishermen about the kind of fish they catch, the affect of the climate change on fish /problems they encounter like overfishing and / or conflicts with environmental protection/. Photographing fishing boats and equipment linked to fishing techniques, traditional fishing boats and fishing gears etc. Please prepare a powerpoint presentation, video or poster about your visit to the harbour.
Second task
Each country should display a typical folk dance performance representing one of the sea region of their country wearing traditional costumes, if possible. It can be a video presentation or live performance during our workshop.

Looking forward to seeing you in Istanbul

   Birce PURA

Konverents Volos'es 08.-13.01.2105

Konverents Kreekas - kodutööd

Meie I kodutöö: Läänemere merekarbid

Meie II kodutöö: esitlus teemal, kuidas meri meie kunstnikke inspireerinud on.