neljapäev, 5. detsember 2013

neljapäev, 14. november 2013

Ülesanded enne Gdanski konverentsi

Comenius tasks for meeting in Gdańsk

Sensitizing activities:  “the Sea in our daily life”,
e.g. open air activities like “land art” and “nature music” at the sea shore; brainstorming about the role of the sea in local history / society / songs / tales / kitchen
Please prepare one song connected to the sea tradition in your national language. It can be youtube link or CD or MP3 or you can sing :)
for example:
vastutavad: Liisa Margit, Helen, Raili, Samuel

Presentations of all partner schools: the persons involved – schools – cities – the sea (e.g. North sea, Aegean sea, ...)  (to be shown as posters in all schools on the local Comenius boards)

Please prepare one poster about your school - town - sea (a lot of photos, little of text) in A3 page. We will make an exhibition in Gdańsk.For example:name of the school+3 pictures’ name of the town+3 pictures, name of the sea+3 pictures
vastutavad: Anne Mari ja sõbrad, Anton, Daniel

competition to find a common logo for the project

Remember to send to no more than 2 logos of the project from your school before the 10th of December. You can also upload pictures to google drive to the LOGO folder. Please remember that name of the file should content name of your country.
We will make a contest on Facebook before a meeting in Gdańsk.
vastutavad: Pilvi (Andri aitab Anna Mari võidu-logo pisut tuunida)

First tasks (research) for local students teams:
  "Various approaches to exploring the sea":
a) Marine biology: collecting and classifying sea shells of the local beaches,  comparing with results of partners
Prepare one photo of precious of your sea : sea shells, sea creatures, stones, amber  from your sea.
vastutavad: Reimo, Reino, Rihard, Kaur

b) History / literature: sea faring in our region and mythology

Prepare short (about 5 minutes) film with short well known story (mythology, legend) about the sea or seamen in English . You can use mobile phone as camera . It can be filmed drama or slideshow that illustrate the story.
vastutavad: Ragne, Helen

Kõikide tegevuste-tööde valmimistähtaeg on 6.01.2014.

c) Social studies: emigration / immigration by sea in our region / country (past and present)

We will make a short workshop in Gdańsk. So don’t worry

d) Environmental studies: analyzing the beaches with regard to (household) wastes; studies about the rising of the sea level in our regions
(to be published as ppts on the project website)

We will make a short workshop in Gdańsk. So don’t worry

pühapäev, 10. november 2013

Mõned eelmise Comeniuse projekti tegemised, mida saab ka nüüd ära kasutada :)

videoklipp Eesti ajaloost, kultuurist ja kõigest muust ka
Estonia from comenius.ttg on Vimeo.

Meie partnerkoolid Google Maps'is

Our partner schools in Google maps

Saksamaa (Wilhelmshaven) konverentsi kokkuvõte

A report from the meeting in Wilhelmshaven
1.     Romania, Estonia, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Poland and Germany were present at the meeting.
2.     Presentations of member countries on their culture, traditions, schools, etc.
3.     The following dates of mutual visits were established:


10th - 14th
26th - 30th
28th - 1st April
14th - 18th
5th - 7th
4.     Mobilities - It has been decided that each country will take 3 students to another country.
If one country decide to take less students, then should inform others about that and other country can take more students.
But as we decided there will be 21 host families ( or 21 places) for students.
5.     Each country is responsible for preparing a plan for the meeting which is to take place, and is obliged to send the plan to the remaining members one month in advance or to provide it at the previous meeting. The first to do so is Poland, then Italy and so on according to our meeting schedule.
6.     Accommodation - students should stay in the houses of their peers.
7.     How are we going to communicate? - we will communicate through the so called: Google Apps. Each country will receive the instructions from Agata Kożuszek from Poland. In addition, Spain is responsible for creating a profile on Facebook and Germany is responsible for creating a Comenius website.
8. Tasks for the next meeting in Poland:
· Each country is to prepare a logo for Comenius 2013-2015. Germany will form and send us all detailed instructions on how this logo should be created. Nextly, we should organise a competition for the best Comenius logo in our schools. Among the designs of the logo, students from each school should select one or two logos and send it to each country via Google Apps. There will be a special folder called ACTIVITIES, designed for this particular purpose. The deadline for the logo is 10th December.

· During the visit in each country, the host country will present its system of education to all the member countries.

neljapäev, 24. oktoober 2013

Tööhoos :)

Miquel Mallorcalt
koordinaator Manfred koos Wilhelmshaveni linnapeaga
koos linnapeaga
mobiilsuste kokkuleppimine
need punktid tuleb läbi arutada

Saksamaa konverents 18.-22.10.2013

Neues Gymnasium Wilhelmshaven, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Tallinna Tehnikagümnaasium, Tallinn, Estonia
Geniko Lykeio Agrias, Agria, Greece
Gdanskie Autonamiczne Gimnazjum, Gdansk, Poland
Liceo Ginnasio Verga, Adrano, Italy
Liceul Teoretic "Mihail Sebastian", Braila, Romania
IES Antoni Maura, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpinar Çok Programli Lisesi, Istanbul, Turkey

Schedule for the Comenius meeting in Wilhelmshaven

Friday, 18/10/2013
arrival in Wilhelmshaven:  guests from Italy, Romania and Poland 

Saturday, 19/10/2013
arrival in Wilhelmshaven:  guests from Estonia, Spain, Turkey

day trip to Oldenburg
-          Visit of the castle
-          in the afternoon: exploring the inner city together

Sunday, 20/10/2013
day trip to Wangerooge
- meeting  at the NGW
-          eating together in the “Inselheim des NGW”
-          eating together in the “Le Patron”

Monday, 21/10/2013
-          9.00 am: meeting at school, first workshop
-          11.45 am: reception by the Lord Mayor of Wilhelmshaven in the shool
-          eating together in the VHS
-          2.00 pm: second workshop
-          7.30 pm: dinner in the castle tavern of Kniphausen (invitation by the host school)

Tuesday, 22/10/2013
-          departure from Wilhelmshaven

Koostööprojekt "Young Explorers of the Sea"

Y         Young
E         Explorers of the
S         Sea
Saksamaa - Neues Gymnasium Wilhelmshaven (koordinaator)        
Itaalia (Sitsiilia) - Liceo Ginnasio Verga                                                  
Kreeka - GENIKO LYKEIO AGRIAS                                    
Poola - Gdanskie Autonomiczne Gimnazjum                            
Hispaania (Mallorca) - IES ANTONI MAURA                                              

Projekti sisu:
Meri on alati eraldanud ja ühendanud riike ja rahvaid. See on andnud inspiratsiooni luuletajatele ja kunstnikele, olnud suur väljakutse teadlastele. Meri räägib meile lugusid lootusest ja meeleheitest, kaubandus- ja uurimislaevadest, vallutajatest ja väljarändajatest, Euroopa ja maailma ajaloost. Ühtlasi tuletab meri meile meelde meie kohustusi seoses planeedi keskkonnaküsimustega. Seega, meie projekti eesmärk on tõsta õpilaste teadlikkust, kui tähtis on meri ja vajadusega säilitada seda omapärast elukeskkonda ka tulevastele põlvkondadele.
Meie 2-aastase projekti tegevused on seotud piiriülese õppega humanitaar- ja loodusteadustes teooria ja praktika abil:
ü  analüüsida majanduslikke ja keskkonnaaspekte (ja konflikte) kui ka eetilisi probleeme (näiteks inimeste ebaseaduslik sisseränne, piraatlus, kalaröövpüük  majandusvööndi vetes; aga ka võõrliikide sissetulek, mereturbiinide mõju mereelustikule, mere veetaseme tõusu mõju rannikutaimestikule jne);
ü  uurida vee keemilisi omadusi erinevates Euroopa meredes (Läänemeri, Põhjameri, Vahemeri, Must meri), teha koostööd erinevate teadusasutuste ja ülikoolidega;
ü  uurida merega seotud ameteid (karjääriõpe), ergutada õpilaste (eriti tütarlaste) huvi loodusteaduste vastu;
ü  tutvuda kõikide partnerriikide rahvaste ajaloo, kunsti, muusika ja kirjandusega – et kasutada neid teadmisi inspiratsiooniallikana loometegevuses (nt maa-kunst, loovkirjutamine, rollimängud, teadusetendused).
Seega – projekti tulem – meie õpilastel on võimalus teha kindlaks sarnasused ja erinevused partnerriikide erinevatel lähenemisviisidel merele minevikus, praegu ja eeldatavasti ka tulevikus; uurida keskkonnaalaselt merevee ja –elustiku erinevusi ja sarnasusi; leida ühiseid jooni meie majanduses ja rahvastikuprobleemides. Kogu projekti tegevus peaks soodustama hariduse kvaliteeti ja edendama meie õpilastes Euroopa kodanikuaktiivsust ning parandama omavahelist suhtlemist.

NB! TTG võõrustab partnerkoole 2014 sügisel.
Ootan projekti õnnestumises kaasa lööma loodusainete ja ajaloo-ühiskonnaõpetajaid ning kõiki teisi aktiivseid aineõpetajaid.