esmaspäev, 24. november 2014

Konverents Kreekas (8.-13.01.2015) - kodutööd

The proposed 2 tasks from the Greek team for the Comenius meeting are:

1. Each country should choos between the sequent 2 topics:
- the influence-inspiration of the Sea to the Arts - for example poetry, sculpture, painting, theatre etc.
Please make a presentation for example pp, video, essay, poster ... where it could be emphasized how the sea has inspired artists in several ways.
Show to us all some significant masterpieces of Art from your countries, in which the inspiration of the Sea is profound.

- navigation through history
please make a presentation (pp, video, play...) showing the several ways by which navigators have managed to find their way to the sea from the past until nowadays.

2. Each country should bring to Greece a hand-made construction of gathered seaspecies - (shells, sea-woods, amber, stones, sand etc) for the exhibition at our school.

8.detsembril vaatame kodutööd esimest korda üle.
5.01.2015 - kodutööd on täielikult valmis.

Konverents Brailas (14.-18.11.2014)

Mõningaid pilte Rumeeniast:
Braila kool
laevasõit Doonaul
ootamas õpetajate toas
õpetajate käpajäljed
laevasõit Doonaul
vabaduse samba pildistamine
rahvusparki minek
bussijuhi GPS-id
rumeenia keele tund
lambad teel
lihtsalt ilus
Enisala kindlus
tavaline linnatänav
tagasitee koju

reede, 21. november 2014

neljapäev, 13. november 2014

Rumeenia konverentsi päevakava (14.-18.11.2014)

Young Explorers of the Sea        2013-2015
Visit in Romania       13- 19 November 2014
Program and activities
13 Nov.- Thursday (Joi)
Arrival of Greek, Turkey and Italian groups (at night)
14 Nov.- Friday (Vineri)
Arrival of German, Estonian, Polish and Spanish  (only Toni ) groups
12.00- meeting with Romanian officials: the Education General Inspector at the Education Inspectorate Braila
Old city centre: Walking on Republicii Street- souveniers shops
Concert:  Popa's Band - The concert is Optional - Don’t forget that it is worth seeing!!!!!!
15 Nov.- Saturday (Sambata)
9.00- 10.00 - meeting at school             - PowerPoint Presentations: Braila (2 x PPTs)
10.00- 12.00 - Tour of Braila
 - sightseeing Braila  - walking around the Old city center     Guide: prof. Pandrea (Museum of Braila)
·         visit – Museum of Braila (short movie)         
12.30- meeting point – Lacu Sarat ship-- going by boat/ship on the Danube River (approx. 3 hours)
- visiting  BALTA MICA A BRAILEI  (Braila’s Little Pond) (an area similar to the Danube Delta)
- on the boat we will serve some snacks and refreshments ( water,juice and coffee)
18.30 meeting with the students at Promenada Mall
- shopping/ bowling/ skating/ snooker etc.
16. Nov. Sunday (Duminica)
1-Day Trip to Tulcea
7.30 – meeting teachers and students in front of the Traian Hotel
8.00- Going by coach to Tulcea         We have to cross the Danube (by ferry)!!!
·         Aquarium –
·         visiting Tulcea Mausoleum-  the panorama of the city is great!
·         walk on de Danube cliff  (St. Gheoghe Arm)
·         Trip to Enisala Fortress:
17 Nov. Monday (Luni)
8.45- meeting at school – Liceul Teoretic „Mihail Sebastian”
9.00- 11.00 – open classes     Geography, Biology, Romanian classes especially prepared for you  !
11.30 – Local Library- Biblioteca Judeteana
Presentations of the TASK : all countries present their work
Coffee and refreshments included
17.00- 18.30 – Raay Swimming Pool            Don’t forget your swimming suits!!!!!!
20.00- Official Dinner- Traian Hotel
Traditional Romanian Dinner with artistic program included

TTG_d esindavad Rumeenia konverentsil:
Birgit Buldas 10b
Vahur Viisileht 12b
Daniel Lahtvee 12b

esmaspäev, 6. oktoober 2014

Valmistume Rumeenia (Braila) konverentsiks

1) The Role of the Sea throughout the History
 - a battle on sea
 - an exploration on sea (great explorers)
 - great geographical discoveries
 - shipwrecks (Birgit, Vahur, Daniel)
 - trade, commerce on sea
 - colonization etc.).

 - PowerPoint Presentation, essay writing(with images), log book (with images) etc.

It would be nice if every country would refer to one important moment in its national history, but with references to one of the countries involved in the YES project.

 2) Poster (A3)- History through images (for an exhibition in our school) - Aleksander, Ragne

laupäev, 4. oktoober 2014

Meie kodutööd, mis tutvustavad Eestit

IT-lahendused Eestis (Reimo ja Reino)
  Film Eesti ajaloo kohta (Rihard ja Kaur)

  Eesti loodusimed (Daniel)

Eesti kiiksud (Ragne, Helen ja Anne Mari)

Meie kodutööd

Eesti ja Kreeka võrdlus (Merilin ja Daniel) Video - kampaania mere puhtana hoidmise vajalikkuse kohta (Ragne ja Anne-Mary) Meie poster - Venn'i diagramm (Ragne, Vahur)

pühapäev, 7. september 2014

Eesti konverentsi päevakava


Comeniuse-tiimi koosolek

3.septembril toimus selle sügise esimene koosolek.
- meie endi esitlused Eesti konverentsil
- majutuspered
- Eesti konverentsi päevakava.

Järgmine kogunemine toimub 16.09 2.tunni ajal geo klassis.

reede, 6. juuni 2014

Rumeenia konverentsi kodutööd

1) The Role of the Sea throughout the History
 (eg. - a battle on sea
 - an exploration on sea (great explorers)
 - great geographical discoveries
 - shipwrecks
 - trade, commerce on sea
 - colonization etc.).

 - PowerPoint Presentation, essay writing(with images), log book (with images) etc.

It would be nice if every country would refer to one important moment in its national history, but with references to one of the countries involved in the YES project.

 2) Poster (A3)- History through images (for an exhibition in our school)

neljapäev, 29. mai 2014

Ülesanded suvepuhkuse ajaks :)

28.05 kogunesime liidergrupiga ja jagasime omavahel ülesandeid :)
Ees ootab konverents Eestis (26.09-30.09), üritame anda endast parima.

26.- 30.09.2014
1. The participating countries Estonia, Poland, Germany, Romania, Greece, Turkey, Italy and Spain raffle a state and compare the waterfront/ coastal areas of their own country with that of the country he/she has raffled.
- social sphere: populated places/villages/towns; marine jobs; holiday areas; tourism; sightseeing places etc.
- marine ecology: pollution, invasive species, overfishing etc.

Results from researching:
- draw a Venn diagramm (similarities and differences between 2 countries), you will produce this for an exhibition at our school (A3-format) - Ragne, Vahur;
- create a powerpoint presentation/video with thorough explanations - Merilin, Daniel.
Raffled country-couples:
Estonia - GREECE
Poland - TURKEY
Germany - RUMENIA
Romania - ITALY
Greece - SPAIN
Turkey - GERMANY
Spain - POLAND

2. Invent a message or appeal referring to marine problems of your own country and the necessity of protection (like as a campaign). Format: Video, photocomposition accompanied by music (max 5 minutes) - Ragne, Anne-Mary Läll (palun pange oma Soome lahe videole ka ingliskeelsed subtiitrid juurde) ja Helen, Anne Mari.

Lisaks: Eestit tutvustavad esitlused:
- Eesti loodusimed - Daniel
- IT lahendused - Reimo ja Reino
- Eesti ajalugu - Rihard ja Kaur
- Eesti "kiiksud", mille poolest me oleme omanäolised... - Ragne, Helen, Anne Mari

Tallinna vanalinna-mäng (mängime selle oma kambaga läbi septembri esimesel nädalal) - Helen, Anne Mari, Merilin

Kohtume septembri esimesel nädalal.

neljapäev, 8. mai 2014

Meie kodutööd

Esitlus: Estonian fishing in the Baltic Sea"

Plakat teemal "Tuulevaiksel ööl"
Laulu saab kuulata läbi QR-koodi :)

Ja siin on teiste riikide kodutööd - plakatid

konverents Wilhelmshavenis 03.-07.05.2014

Tore oli! Sakslaste korrektsus ja külalislahkus oli südantsoojendav!
Käisime Bremenis, enne konverentsi algust said kõik oma soovid ära soovitud:

Erinevad grupipildid - Euroopa parimad õpilased ja õpetajad :)


Teisel päeval oli õppepäev Waddenmeeri looduskeskuses - mõõnamerest tuli otsida erinevaid elusolendeid, räägiti tõusu ja mõõna mõjudest rannikualadele, maapinnavajumisest viimastel sajanditel.

Kolmandal päeval oli päris omapärane tund koolimajas - tutvustati sinikarpide ja austrite hingeelu ja sisemust.



Esitluste päev - väljas oli meie plakat (QR-koodiga!) ja Rihard esitles meie kodutööd teemal "Fishing in the Baltic Sea".

Viimasel õhtul esines kooli bänd - väga hea kontsert oli!

Ja oligi kõik! Maha jäid head tuttavad, uued perekonnad, kes meie õpilased lausa oma kasulasteks võtsid :)

Sügisel on meie kord partnereid võõrustada.

reede, 25. aprill 2014

Konverents Wilhelmshavenis - päevakava

Neues Gymnasium Wilhelmshaven, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Tallinna Tehnikagümnaasium, Tallinn, EstoniaGeniko Lykeio Agrias, Agria, Greece
Gdanskie Autonamiczne Gimnazjum, Gdansk, Poland
Liceo Ginnasio Verga, Adrano, Italy
Liceul Teoretic "Mihail Sebastian", Braila, Romania
IES Antoni Maura, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpinar Çok Programli Lisesi, Istanbul, Turkey

Schedule for the Comenius meeting in Wilhelmshaven

Friday, 02/05/2014
arrival in Wilhelmshaven:  guests from Romania, Greece and Turkey 

Saturday, 03/05/2014
arrival in Wilhelmshaven:  guests from Estonia, Spain, Poland, Italy
guests from Romania, Greece and Turkey: day trip to Oldenburg
-          visit of the castle
-          in the afternoon: exploring the inner city together

Sunday, 04/05/2014
      -    9.45 am: meeting at the “Wattenmeerhaus”,  visit of the wadden sea
-          2.45 pm: sight seeing tour of Wilhelmshaven

Monday, 05/05/2014
day trip to Bremerhaven and Bremen
-          8.30 am meeting  at the NGW
-          10.00 am visit of the “Auswandererhaus”
-          1.30 pm lunch at “Fährhaus Farge”
-          afternoon: visit of Bremen: “Schnoorviertel”, Dome and free time in the city
-          7.00 pm arrival at the NGW

Tuesday, 06/05/2014
-          9.00 am: meeting at school, first workshop
-          2.00 pm: eating together in the “Mensa”
-          3.00 pm: second workshop
-          7.00 pm: meeting in the “Pumpwerk”: participants, parents, collegues and guests

Wednesday, 07/05/2014
-           departure from Wilhelmshaven, Estonia, Romania
-           day trip to Jever for teachers
-           students go to school with their partners

Thursday, 08/05/2014
-          departure from Wilhelmshaven: Spain, Italy
-          students go to school with their partners ( Greece, Poland )
-          optional: visit of the “Nautimo” (indoor swimming pool)

Friday, 09/05/2014

       -    departure from Wilhelmshaven: Greece, Turkey, Poland

laupäev, 5. aprill 2014

Järgmine konverents Wilhelmshavenis - kodutööde loetelu

Järgmine Comeniuse projekti YES - Young Explorers of the Sea konverents toimub 3.-7.mail 2014 Saksamaal, Wilhelmshavenis. 

Sakslaste poolt etteantud kodutööd on järgmised:

1. All of the partners produce a poster illustrating the chosen song or a related poem with drawings, pictures etc. for an exhibition at our school - Daniel ja Merilin. 

2. The other four topics will be dealt with by two partners each as follows. 
Fishing / fishermen - Estonia and Romania Rihard ja Reino ja Reimo
● Piracy - Spain and Turkey
● Marine biology -        Germany and Greece
● Migration - Italy and Poland

Valminud tööd vaatame üle 30.aprillil 8.tunni ajal.

Mereteemalised kaardid ja plakatid. Laevamudelid

Erinevate riikide õpilaste poolt valmistatud mereteemalised kaardid ja laevamudelid.

Konverents Sitsiilias 28.03-01.04.2014

Konverentsil osalesid 12.klassi õpilased Liisa Margit, Raili, Samuel ja Andri.

Päevad olid täis tegevusi: pikad igapäevased hommikused ootamised, väljasõidud Etnale ja Syracusasse ja Taorminasse. Nägime palju varemeid (kreeka ja rooma teatrid), uut kaasaegset kirikut Syracusas, nautisime Etnal olekut.
Ka oli meil kõigil võimalus nautida Adrano õpilaste poolt ettevalmistatud kahetunnilist kontserti.
Pisut aega oli ka oma kodutööde esitlemiseks ning vastuvõtva kooli külastamiseks.
Lisaks imeilusale ilmale jäävad seda reisi meenutama veripunased apelsinid (seda kirjusust pidavat tekitama pinnases Etna tuha keemiline koostis).

Seiklusrohket reisi pakkus ka lennufirma airberlin: minnes jäime pea 2 tundi hiljaks lennukivahetuse tõttu (navigatsiooniprobleem), tagasiteel 3 ümberistumisega suutis ta 2 meie pagasit Kopenhaagenisse maha jätta :) Kõige paremini iseloomustab kogu reisi allolev foto - seal ei olnud nimelt internetti!