reede, 25. aprill 2014

Konverents Wilhelmshavenis - päevakava

Neues Gymnasium Wilhelmshaven, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Tallinna Tehnikagümnaasium, Tallinn, EstoniaGeniko Lykeio Agrias, Agria, Greece
Gdanskie Autonamiczne Gimnazjum, Gdansk, Poland
Liceo Ginnasio Verga, Adrano, Italy
Liceul Teoretic "Mihail Sebastian", Braila, Romania
IES Antoni Maura, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpinar Çok Programli Lisesi, Istanbul, Turkey

Schedule for the Comenius meeting in Wilhelmshaven

Friday, 02/05/2014
arrival in Wilhelmshaven:  guests from Romania, Greece and Turkey 

Saturday, 03/05/2014
arrival in Wilhelmshaven:  guests from Estonia, Spain, Poland, Italy
guests from Romania, Greece and Turkey: day trip to Oldenburg
-          visit of the castle
-          in the afternoon: exploring the inner city together

Sunday, 04/05/2014
      -    9.45 am: meeting at the “Wattenmeerhaus”,  visit of the wadden sea
-          2.45 pm: sight seeing tour of Wilhelmshaven

Monday, 05/05/2014
day trip to Bremerhaven and Bremen
-          8.30 am meeting  at the NGW
-          10.00 am visit of the “Auswandererhaus”
-          1.30 pm lunch at “Fährhaus Farge”
-          afternoon: visit of Bremen: “Schnoorviertel”, Dome and free time in the city
-          7.00 pm arrival at the NGW

Tuesday, 06/05/2014
-          9.00 am: meeting at school, first workshop
-          2.00 pm: eating together in the “Mensa”
-          3.00 pm: second workshop
-          7.00 pm: meeting in the “Pumpwerk”: participants, parents, collegues and guests

Wednesday, 07/05/2014
-           departure from Wilhelmshaven, Estonia, Romania
-           day trip to Jever for teachers
-           students go to school with their partners

Thursday, 08/05/2014
-          departure from Wilhelmshaven: Spain, Italy
-          students go to school with their partners ( Greece, Poland )
-          optional: visit of the “Nautimo” (indoor swimming pool)

Friday, 09/05/2014

       -    departure from Wilhelmshaven: Greece, Turkey, Poland